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Developer Guide

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Common Notations in DG

The common notations listed below will be used throughout the Developer Guide.


System Architecture

System Architecture

The above System Architecture diagram shows the high-level design of ConTech.

On launch, the Main class initialises the app components in the correct sequence and links them up with each other, in the correct sequence.

ConTech comprises five main components, namely:

How the architecture components interact with each other

The five main components interact with each other, as shown in the sequence diagram below for the example: view 2

System Architecture Sequence Diagram


The TextUi component is responsible for displaying all outputs to the Command Line User Interface. After a user’s input has been processed and ConTech has performed its commands depending on the input, in order to output the results of the commands, a relevant method in the TextUi class will be called.

Methods for printing error messages have been separated from the main feature outputs. These methods have been placed in the ExceptionTextUi class within the same ui package as TextUi.


The MainParser component is responsible for making sense of the user’s inputs. It functions as the not only the identifier for commands, but also calls its relevant sub-parsers to further destructure the inputs, allowing ConTech to perform its commands.

The diagram below shows a sequence diagram of how MainParser works, and a reference diagram is used to indicate that further parsing is done by sub-parsers for each different command type. This reference diagram will be referred to later on.

Main Parser Sequence Diagram


The Command component represents a collection of classes with their names in the form of XYZCommand. The XYZCommand classes are executed in by calling on their corresponding execute() function.


The ContactList component contains all the contacts stored in an arraylist. It deals with operations that interact with the contacts in the ContactList, such as adding or editing contacts. The contacts stored in the ContactList are sorted according to their names in alphabetical order.


Storage Class Diagram

The Storage component consists of the Storage, ContactsDecoder, and ContactsEncoder. This component is responsible for interacting with the user’s local storage files. The user’s contacts data and personal contact data are stored locally inside the file paths, data/contacts.txt and data/me.txt.

Firstly, the Storage class checks if the user has existing data, or if they are first time users. Next, it will make use of the ContactsDecoder class to decode the storage file and load the contacts into the ContactList as Contacts. After every command execution, to ensure data integrity, the Contacts in the ContactList will be saved using the ContactsEncoder class.

As the Storage component is also responsible for loading these data into their corresponding ContactList and Contact objects, it is dependent on the classes, ContactList and Contact.


Supported Contact Details

The currently supported contact details are provided in the table below:

Flag Detail of contact
-n Name
-g Github username
-l LinkedIn handle
-te Telegram handle
-tw Twitter handle
-e Email

Adding a contact: add

This feature is processed using AddContactCommand. This feature allows a user to add a contact to their contact list. The user is able to add a contact by entering a command in the form of add <-n> <NAME> {-g <GITHUB>} {-l <LINKEDIN>} {-te <TELEGRAM>} {-tw <TWITTER>} {-e <EMAIL>}.

The user’s input is parsed in MainParser and AddContactParser, the latter which inherits ContactParser. ContactParser inherits RegexParser (for regex checks regarding each detail) and implements the ContactDetails interface (which uniquely allows the parsers to easily identify each detail based on their indexes). The class diagram for this is displayed below.

Add Contact Parser Class Diagram

As the contacts are identified by their names, the name field is made compulsory at the MainParser level. The diagram below shows the process of parsing the user’s input.

Add Contact Parsing

Upon parsing the user’s input, the details are passed to an AddContactCommand, and this command will be executed in ConTech. The sequence diagram below illustrates the process of executing AddContactCommand.

Add Sequence Diagram

Viewing a contact: view

This feature is processed using ViewContactCommand. Whenever a user wants to view a specific contact from the contact list, user can input view INDEX with the index of the desired contact displayed from the ls feature. ViewContactCommand is then created in the MainParser and executed in ConTech after parsing for the index of the desired contact.

If the INDEX is input as me, it will be equivalent to the contactIndex being -1 in which case the personal details of the user will be printed by calling the viewPersonalContactMessage method in TextUi. If the INDEX is missing, it will be equivalent to the contactIndex being -2 in which case the error message to notify the user that the index is missing will be printed by calling the missingIndexMessage method in ExceptionTextUi. Lastly, if the INDEX is within range and valid, the contact will be retrieved by calling the getContactAtIndex method in ContactList which will return the Contact and store it as viewingContact in ViewContactCommand. To print out the contact, the viewContactMessage method in TextUi will be called. The sequence diagram below illustrates the process of viewing a contact.

View Sequence Diagram

Editing a contact: edit

This feature is processed using EditContactCommand. This feature allows the user to edit a contact in their contact list, by entering a command in the form edit <INDEX> {-n <NAME>} {-g <GITHUB>} {-l <LINKEDIN>} {-te <TELEGRAM>} {-tw <TWITTER>} {-e <EMAIL>}. At least one detail must be specified by the user for the command to be valid. The user can also specify me as an index to edit the personal contact’s details.

The user’s input is parsed in MainParser and EditContactParser and the implementation is similar to that of AddContactParser .

The user input will be parsed by EditContactParser methods getIndexToStore and parseContactDetails to obtain a String array with the details to be edited. The user input will also be parsed by the IndexParser to obtain the contact index, which identifies the contact in the contact list to be edited.The sequence diagram below shows how the String array is obtained.

Edit Sequence Diagram

Once the user’s input is parsed and the index specified is obtained, an EditContactCommand with the specified parameters will then be created and executed in ConTech. The sequence diagram below depicts the execution of EditContactCommand for the index me as well as an invalid index all.

Edit Sequence Diagram

If a valid contact index in the contact book is specified, the details to be edited will first be checked against the contact book for duplicates. If there are duplicates, ConTech will prompt the user for confirmation before editing the contact. If the user accepts or there are no duplicates, the EditContactCommand will be executed. The sequence diagram below depicts the execution of EditContactCommand for a contact in the contact list.

Edit Sequence Diagram

Deleting contacts: rm

This feature is processed using the DeleteContactCommand. Users can delete a specified contact, delete all contacts at once or delete specific details of a selected contact. In order to determine which contact or which contact’s fields to delete, the user input is parsed using the IndexParser to obtain the contact index for executing the command. The user input is also parsed using DeleteContactParser to obtain the specific fields to be deleted, if any.

A DeleteContactCommand with the specified parameters will then be created in the MainParserand executed inConTech.

Delete Sequence Diagram

To delete all contacts, a user must enter the command rm all.

The sequence diagram below shows how the removal of all contacts works. Before any deletion, the user will be prompted with a message to confirm deletion. If the user confirms deletion for all contacts, deletion will be executed, along with a message to show that deletion has been executed. If user cancels deletion, a message is printed to show that the deletion has been cancelled.

Delete All Sequence Diagram

To delete a selected contact, a user must enter a command in the form rm <INDEX>.

The sequence diagram below shows how the removal of the selected contact works. Before any deletion, details of the contact with the specifiedINDEX will be displayed to the user, along with a prompt to confirm deletion. If the user confirms deletion, deletion of the selected contact will be executed, along with a message to show that deletion has been executed. If user cancels deletion, a message is printed to show that the deletion has been cancelled.

Delete Selected Sequence Diagram

To delete specific details of a selected contact, a user must enter a command in the form rm <INDEX> {-g} {-l} {-te} {-tw} {-e}.

The sequence diagram below shows how the removal of a contact’s fields works. Before any deletion, details of the contact fields specified will be displayed to the user, along with a prompt to confirm deletion. If the user confirms deletion, deletion of the selected contact will be executed, along with a message to show that deletion has been executed. If user cancels, deletion, a message is printed to show that the deletion has been cancelled.

Delete Fields Sequence Diagram

This feature is processed using SearchContactParser under MainParser. In order to edit a contact in the contact list, a user must enter a command in the form search {-n | -g | -l | -te | -tw | -e} <SEARCH QUERY>. If no flag is specified, the search will be done on contact names buy default.

From the user input, the search query and the search flag are obtained from the parseSearchQuery and the getDetailFlag methods respectively. The sequence diagram below shows how the required parameters are obtained.

Search Sequence Diagram

A SearchContactCommand with the specified parameters will then be created and executed in ConTech. The sequence diagram below shows how the SearchContactCommand is executed.

Search Sequence Diagram

Listing all contacts: ls

This feature is processed under ListContactsCommand. The feature allows the user to list all their stored contacts in an easy to understand manner, by entering the command ls. The output is the names of all the contacts stored with their respective indexes.

The user’s input is parsed in MainParser which invokes the execute method in ListContactsCommand. The sequence diagram below shows the series of steps to obtain and print all the contacts.

List Sequence Diagram

The execute method gets the list size from ConatactList class using the getListSize method. If the contactListSize is 0 it prints an error message from the TextUI class using the method contactsEmptyListMessage. If the list is not empty the method listAllContacts uses a loop to get the Contact object at every available index and print it using the printContactWithIndex method in TextUi class.

Importing contacts: import

This feature is processed using the ImportContactCommand. This feature allows a user to import contacts over from a text file containing comma-separated values (CSV).

As inputs may be corrupted (having less fields than required), or may not adhere to the detail formats of each field (such as having illegal characters in the Github username), a ContactsDecoder is used to read and ensure the data integrity of imported contacts. To achieve this, the ContactsDecoder class inherits the RegexParser abstract class, as depicted below.

ContactsDecoder Class Diagram

With this implementation in place, the ImportContactCommand will firstly check if there exists a file import.txt stored in the data/ directory (ie. stored in data/import.txt). Should the import.txt file exist, it will then attempt to import the contacts to a temporary ContactList, before adding them to the user’s ContactList. The sequence diagram below illustrates the process of executing ImportContactCommand.

Import Sequence Diagram

Throughout the process of importing contacts, the alphabetical ordering of contacts is preserved.

Coming soon: import currently does not support duplicate checks. This will be implemented in future revisions to the application. Currently,

Current implementation ideas include:

Index Parser

The Index Parser is used when the user enters a command that specifies a contact index, such as the rm, view or edit command. The Index Parser will parse the user’s input string, and return the specified contact index given as an integer, which will then be used in the execution of the corresponding command.

For example, if edit 2 -n Marcus Bobo is given as the input, the Index Parser will identify the contact index to be 2 and pass the contact index to the execution of the edit command accordingly.

Design Considerations

Aspect: Implementation of removing fields of a contact

Product scope

Target user profile

Value proposition

As computing professionals are often on their computer, ConTech allows them to have a platform to manage their computing-related contacts locally and efficiently, without the need to use additional devices or platforms.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 programmer add my colleague’s account usernames easily access it
v1.0 programmer edit my colleague’s account usernames update it if there is a change
v1.0 programmer save contact data locally on my hard drive access it without internet
v1.0 programmer view various contact details of my colleague contact him easily on different platforms
v1.0 programmer see the names and index of saved contacts know the contacts I have saved
v1.0 programmer delete a specific contact  
v1.0 programmer be able to copy and paste the displayed contact’s URLs visit the contact’s accounts
v2.0 programmer save my personal details the application is aware of the user
v2.0 forgetful user be able to search for my contacts by name find their contact details
v2.0 programmer import a list of contacts quickly from an input txt file save time typing each contact

Non-Functional Requirements


Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and Shutdown

  1. Initial launch
    1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
    2. Download the latest version of contech.jar from here.
    3. Copy the contech.jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for ConTech.
    4. Open your desired Command Line Interface from the folder with contech.jar and enter the following code: java -jar contech.jar.
  2. First time user
    1. For a first time user, you would be required to type in your personal details.
    2. Entering your name will be mandatory. The other 5 fields (GitHub, Telegram, Twitter, Email and LinkedIn) are optional. You will be prompted to enter each detail accordingly. For the optional fields, you can press ENTER to skip.
  3. Regular user
    1. For regular users, ConTech will simply greet you and you are ready to input your command. Expected:
      Hello, John.
      Welcome back to ConTech, your personal contact tracker.
  4. Shutting down ConTech
    1. Once you are done with your tasks and would like to shutdown ConTech, simply input exit.
    2. Test case: exit
      ConTech will now shutdown.
      We hope you have enjoyed using it.

Adding a contact

  1. Adding a contact with all fields
    1. Test case: add -n Alex Lee -g alexlee -te alexlee -tw alexl33 -e -l alexlee
      Expected: New contact will have all fields added. Each field will be displayed after it has been added to the contact list.
      ConTech has added the specified contact:
      Name:     Alex Lee
      You now have 1 contact(s).
  2. Adding a contact with fewer fields
    1. Test case: add -n Jake Tan -g tanjakey -e
      Expected: New contact will only have the fields mentioned added to the contact. Each field that is field will be displayed after it has been added to the contact list.
      ConTech has added the specified contact:
      Name:     Jake Tan
      You now have 1 contact(s).
  3. Adding a contact with no field entered
    1. Test case: add
      Expected: An error message will notify user that there are missing parameters.
      There seems to be missing parameters in your request.
      Please enter command in this format:
            add -n <NAME> {-g <GITHUB>} {-e <EMAIL>} {-te <TELEGRAM>} {-l <LINKEDIN>} {-tw <TWITTER>}
            example : add -n John Doe -g johndoecoder -e -te johndoe
      NOTE : At least NAME required
             Order of parameters do not matter
  4. Adding a contact with duplicates
    1. Prerequisites: A contact with similar either similar name or details must already be in the contact list. For simplicity, we will re-use the same command from 1.
    2. Test case: add -n Alex Lee -g alexlee -te alexlee -tw alexl33 -e -l alexlee
      Expected: ConTech will display a list of contacts that are already in your contact list with the same fields as the one you are adding. It will then ask for your confirmation whether you would still like to add the contact or ignore it.
      One of your saved contacts has a duplicate field:
      Name:     Alex Lee
      Do you still want to add the contact?  (y/n)
    3. Follow up: You can either input y which stands for yes allowing you to still add the contact despite having a duplicate field or n which stands for no to disregard adding the contact.
  5. Adding a contact with a wrong flag
    1. Test case: add -n Ali -p alixpress
      Expected: An error message will notify user that there appears to be a flag that is not recognised.
      There appears to be a flag that is not recognised.
      Please try again with a valid flag.
        -n NAME
        -g GITHUB
        -l LINKEDIN
        -te TELEGRAM
        -tw TWITTER
        -e EMAIL
  6. Adding a contact with a wrong command
    1. Test case: Add -n Ben
      Expected: An error message will notify user that ConTech is unable to understand the command and that the user can try to input a valid command. The issue with the test case is that the add command has a capital A.
      ConTech is unable to understand your request.
      Please try again with a valid command.
  7. Adding a contact with an invalid field format
    1. Test case: add -n George -e george
      Expected: An error message will notify user on the field with the invalid format. For this test case, the email has the wrong format.
      The email id is not correctly formatted,
      Rules for email id :
          * Lowercase letters only
          * Numbers, underscore, hyphen and dot allowed
          * Only one @ character allowed
          * Email cannot start or end with a symbol

Viewing a contact

  1. Viewing a contact that is in the contact list
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: view 1
      Expected: All details of the contact with index 1 will be displayed.
      Name:     Alex Lee
  2. Viewing user’s own personal contact
    1. Test case: view me Expected: All personal details of the user will be displayed.
    2. Test case: me Expected: All personal details of the user will be displayed.
  3. Viewing a contact with a missing or invalid index
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: view -1
      Expected: An error message will notify user on what the valid indexes are.
      The index you have input is out of range.
      Please input a index between 0 and 2.
    3. Test case: view
      Expected: An error message will notify user that there is an index missing.
      There seems to be missing or invalid index in your request.
      Please enter command in the following way:
            view <INDEX>
      Enter <INDEX> between 0 and 2 or "me" (personal contact)

Editing a contact

  1. Editing a contact with all fields
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: edit 1 -n Ben tan -g bentan -e -te bentn -tw bent4n -l bentan
      Expected: Contact at index 1 will have all fields edited. Each field will be displayed after it has been edited. The index of contacts will be changed after editing as the list will be sorted after the edit.
      ConTech has edited the specified contact:
      Name:     Ben tan
  2. Editing a contact with fewer fields
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: edit 2 -n Charles -g chacharles -e
      Expected: Contact at index 2 will have only the name, GitHub and email edited while the other fields, if filled will remain the same. All details will then be displayed.
  3. Editing a contact with missing or invalid index
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: edit -n Brandon
      Expected: An error message will appear to notify that there are missing parameters.
      There seems to be missing parameters in your request.
      Please enter command in this format:
            edit <INDEX> {-n <NAME>} {-g <GITHUB>} {-e <EMAIL>} {-te <TELEGRAM>} {-l <LINKEDIN>} {-tw <TWITTER>}
            example : edit 0 -n George -g procoder -te george123
      NOTE : At least one flag and description required
             Order of parameters do not matter except for INDEX
             "me" is used as the INDEX for personal contact.
    3. Test case: edit 4 -n Brandon
      Expected: An error message will appear to notify that the index is out of range.
      The index you have input is out of range.
      Please input a number between 0 and 3 to edit saved contacts.
      Otherwise, input index "me" if you wish to edit your Personal Contact details.
  4. Editing a user’s personal contact
    1. Test case: edit me -n Zack -g zackster -e
    2. Expected: User’s personal detail will be edited and the personal details will be displayed including fields that were not edited.
  5. Editing a contact with duplicates
    1. Prerequisites: A contact with similar either similar name or details must already be in the contact list. For simplicity, we will re-use the same command from 1.
    2. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    3. Test case: edit 0 -n Ben tan -g bentan -e -te bentn -tw bent4n -l bentan
      Expected: ConTech will display a list of contacts that are already in your contact list with the same fields as the ones you are editing. It will then ask for your confirmation whether you would still like to edit the contact or ignore it.
      One of your saved contacts has a duplicate field:
      Name:     Ben tan
      Do you still want to edit the contact?  (y/n)
    4. Follow up: You can either input y which stands for yes allowing you to still edit the contact despite having a duplicate field or n which stands for no to disregard editing the contact.
  6. Editing a contact with a wrong flag
    1. Test case: edit 0 -p ali
      Expected: An error message will appear to notify the user that there appears to be a flag that is not recognised.
      There appears to be a flag that is not recognised.
      Please try again with a valid flag.
        -n NAME
        -g GITHUB
        -l LINKEDIN
        -te TELEGRAM
        -tw TWITTER
        -e EMAIL
  7. Editing a contact with a wrong command
    1. Test case: Edit -n Ben
      Expected: An error message will appear to notify the user that ConTech is unable to understand the command and that the user can try to input a valid command. The issue with the test case is that the edit command has a capital E.
      ConTech is unable to understand your request.
      Please try again with a valid command.

Deleting a contact

  1. Deleting a contact that is in the contact list
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: rm 1
      Expected: User will be asked to confirm deleting the contact at the specified index. All details of the contact at index 1 will be displayed to allow user to check before confirming.
      Delete this contact?  (y/n)
      Name:     Alex Lee
    3. Follow up: You can either input y which stands for yes allowing you to delete the contact or n which stands for no to cancel deleting the contact.
  2. Deleting a contact with a missing or invalid index
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: rm -1
      Expected: An error message will notify user on what the valid indexes are.
      The index you have input is out of range.
      Please input a index between 0 and 2.
    3. Test case: rm
      Expected: An error message will notify user that there is an index missing.
      There seems to be missing or invalid index in your request.
      Please enter command in the following way:
            rm <INDEX> {REMOVE_DETAIL_FLAGS}
      Enter <INDEX> between 0 and 3
  3. Deleting all contacts in the contact list
    1. Test case: rm all
      Expected: User will be asked to confirm deleting all the contacts in the contact list.
      Delete all of your contacts?  (y/n)
    2. Follow up: You can either input y which stands for yes allowing you to delete all contacts or n which stands for no to cancel deleting all contacts.
  4. Deleting one or few fields from a contact
    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the ls command to find the index of specific contact.
    2. Test case: rm 1 -g
      Expected: User will be asked to confirm deleting a field from the contact at the specified index. The specified field of the contact at index 1 will be displayed to allow user to check before confirming. For this test case, only the GitHub for the contact at index 1 will be displayed as only the -g flag is mentioned.
      Delete the following fields for Ben tan?  (y/n)
    3. Follow up: You can either input y which stands for yes allowing you to delete the field from the contact or n which stands for no to cancel deleting the field from the contact.

Searching for a contact

  1. Search for a contact that is in the contact list
    1. Test case: search alex
      Expected: All contacts with alex in their name will be listed
      Name:     Alex Lee
  2. Search for a contact with a specified field
    1. Test case: search -g alexlee
      Expected: All contacts with the GitHub username containing alexlee will be listed.
      Name:     Alex Lee
  3. Search for a contact that is not in the contact list
    1. Test case: search mebe
      Expected: Error message will notify users that no contacts are found.
      No search results found.
  4. Search with no parameters specified
    1. Test case: search
      Expected: Error message will notify user that the command is invalid.
      There seems to be missing parameters in your request.
      Please enter command in this format:
      search {FLAG} <QUERY>
      example : search Ashraf
      search -g revflash
      NOTE : Flag is optional and only one can be specified

Importing contacts

  1. Importing contacts with all valid details
    1. Test case: import
      Expected: All contacts will be imported successfully.
      ConTech has successfully imported 3 lines
  2. Importing a contact with invalid fields
    1. Test case: import
      Expected: Error message will notify the user that there is an invalid field.

      data/import.txt:1 - There is an invalid field.
      The github username is not correctly formatted,
      Rules for Github username :
      * Only contain alphanumeric characters or hyphens
      * Only lowercase allowed
      * Maximum 39 characters allowed
      * Cannot have multiple consecutive hyphens
      * Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
      ConTech has successfully imported 0 lines
  3. Importing a contact with missing fields
    1. Test case: import
      Expected: Error message will notify the user that there are missing fields.
      data/import.txt:1 - "ashraf,ashrafjfr,null,null" is corrupted and not loaded.
      ConTech has successfully imported 0 lines